Abild-Tved Route EN - A Western Jutlander with crescendo

Even though the Corn Bunting looks like a lark in both size and colours it is not a lark but an emberizidae with a powerful and thick beak – a true corn eater, So the name emberizidae as it is also called, fits better.
Corn Bunting or Emberizidae
The corn bunting lives in the open landscape preferable in the rim of fields and near ditches with single low shrubs, fence posts or power lines. From here its creaking and clinking song is heard: tic-tic-tictririliririlily – as a significant crescendo. The corn bunting is a Jutlander – particularly a Western Jutlander. Here in this region it sticks to the slightly higher geest as opposed to the lower marshes. If you are from eastern Denmark you wish to see the corn bunting because it is rare on the islands.
The Poor House
The former Tønder Country Parish Poorhouse is situated here in Vennemose on Tyvsevej no. 1. In 1838 the old poorhouse burned. It was rebuilt, torn down and once again rebuilt in 1876. In 1931-32 the residence was leased to Carsten Poort who drove milk from Abildgaard Dairy to Tønder and later also from Little Emmerske through Vennemose to Abildgaard. A little north of here, in Vennemose, a larger poor house was situated on Høglundsvej – called ‘Nordhaus’. Sources from 1929 name it Nørhus Poorfarm. It was torn down in the 50s.