Korntved-Rørkær Stien EN - From Dense Forest to Open Plains

Part of the painting ’Bau eines Schutzdammes in Tondern’ (Dikebuilding by Tønder). Painted in 1909-10 by German painter Josse Gossens. The painting is placed in the old Townhall Council Chamber in Tønder.
The forests around Tønder
Today it may seem strange but in the mid-16th century the area east of Tønder was still covered in forests. From here large amounts of wood were collected for the diking of the marsh. This was initiated by Duke Hans the Elder, a brother of King Christian III. Back in 1570 the Duke, who was an avid hunter, erected a small hunting lodge in the wooded hunting terrain, rich in game. The hunting lodge was situated about 3,5km east of here by Grøngård Ladegård.

Fish from Sæd to Elhjem
In the meadows south of Rørkjær lies the so-called Elhjem Pold, a sandy bank between Lillestrøm and Grønå. In the past the streams were particularly abundant with fish and provided nutritious food which meant that many local people in the area very often avoided going to bed hungry. Especially trout, grayling, eel and pike were coveted catches.

The pike is a big ferocious predatory fish. The eel lives in the stream but spawns in the Sargasso Sea – in the Atlantic Ocean.